The cloud of proximity

A very upscale offer on an "all inclusive" model and exclusive services

The virtualized servers are hosted in France, accessible anywhere, on any support and maintained 7 days a week. A technological watch is provided permanently in order to offer an ever more efficient product. The team, trained in the specificities of more than 50 business software, is at the service of its customers to provide the best solutions to different issues within the company. The Admicom Cloud is the guarantee of being able to control the computer station while enjoying an upscale all-inclusive offer.

+ than 1 500
hosted users

+ than 15
years of experience

+ than 100
controlled software

+ than 99,9 %
of availability

Our solutions

Independence of publishers

Simplicité enfantine

Independence of publishers


Independence of publishers


Independence of publishers


Independence of publishers

Hébergement 100% français

Nos propres serveurs sont stockés dans des Datacenters situés exclusivement en France, et donc sous autorité du droit français.

Independence of publishers


Independence of publishers

Travail collaboratif

Independence of publishers


Independence of publishers

Accès universel

Independence of publishers

Totale mobilité

Independence of publishers


Independence of publishers


Independence of publishers

Assistance et maintenance

Independence of publishers


Independence of publishers

Aucun engagement

Independence of publishers

Sauvegardes à chaud

Independence of publishers


Independence of publishers


Independence of publishers

Impressions distantes

Independence of publishers

Mises à jour

Availability | Reactivity | Efficiency

0811 26 10 30


13 years of experience
at the service of demanding professionals.

Since it is certainly our customers who speak it best, do not hesitate to consult their various testimonials and to contact them to exchange on their experience feedback.

Read all testimonials

A high service quality

+ than 1500


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with Admicom
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